Little Sir Isaac

The blogs main focus is ISAAC! The awesome little peanut that came into our lives on July 16, 2005. We're so excited to have him. Check back often to witness our family grow and change...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Couch Time with Momma

Our poor little dude has a double ear infection. We are definitely encouraged though that this is the first one this winter and it's the end of January; last winter it started in October (which may technically be Fall). Isaac has been on meds a few days now and is sleeping better at night, which means we all are! It's so different having a sick little guy with an extended vocabulary. He told me his ear hurt and he needed a Q-tip to make it better.

Fun new things:

Isaac can sing 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,' and 'Jesus Loves Me'. However, he prefers a small audience as I'm the only one that has been privy to his performances.

We were stripping wallpaper in Isaac's new room and Martin pulled off a rather large piece. Isaac said, "Good job, Daddy!" Which, by the way, Isaac is very into wallpaper removal. There are a few more rooms in our house that need it taken down, and I know just the man for the job!


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bob Bliss

We've been talking about getting a membership to the local Children's Museum and as soon as we found out a Bob the Builder exhibit was coming to town, our decision was made for us. We got our membership just in time to sign up for a preview party where Isaac met Bob. It was very exciting! Isaac also got a chance to 'drive' a digger...he's in the picture, just look for two little eyes behind the wheel. ;) He was also honored to use Bob's tools at a workbench and felt very important helping keep the water pump working. The exhibit is in town until the beginning of June so the fun has only just begun. I'm sure we'll make many more trips so Isaac can be part of Bob's crew.

Heart Melting Moment: Today as I was rocking Isaac for naptime, he was listing all the things he's going to share with our baby. A few items from the list: socks, puzzles, books and Eeyore. Even after I left Isaac's room he was still shouting out ideas to me. Just gotta keep this momentum going until the baby is really here...


Sunday, January 13, 2008

It's Not a Race Car

It's official: there's a baby in Mommy's tummy, not a race car. And here's the first picture of our little one (face with eyes looking at you is on the left). Our baby is also quite active as the ultra-sound tech spent about 45 minutes with us trying to catch all she needed on 'camera' while baby did the rhumba. The doctor's first comment was that we have a big baby! 97th percentile! "YIKES!" says Melissa. Quite opposite of Little Sir Isaac who has yet to hit the 50th percentile.

This weekend we took baby steps in getting Isaac's new bedroom ready. He's already picked out which wall his bed should be on but we're still a month or so away from making the actual move. At least he's got the planning done for us! ;)


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

One Happy Little Dude!

I adore Isaac's smile. It's rather contagious, don't ya think? This picture was taken on Christmas Eve after opening a couple of presents from Mommy & Daddy. Isaac really enjoyed Christmas this year and is still having so much fun with all of his new toys. And, Jesus' birthday celebration made quite an impression on him as well. As I was laying him down for his nap today, he was singing Happy Birthday to Jesus.

It's so fun to watch Isaac interact with other people. Martin and I took him to our favorite breakfast spot recently and Isaac was very polite to the waitress. He said "Thank you" when she brought him his drink. She asked if we were ready to order and I replied with a "Yes," so Isaac said, "I ready too." I ordered my food and then Isaac said, "Pancakes please. Daddy have pancakes too." Oh, and Isaac is still interested in how happy everyone is. We got a 16 happy from him the other day! Wow!
