Couch Time with Momma
Our poor little dude has a double ear infection. We are definitely encouraged though that this is the first one this winter and it's the end of January; last winter it started in October (which may technically be Fall). Isaac has been on meds a few days now and is sleeping better at night, which means we all are! It's so different having a sick little guy with an extended vocabulary. He told me his ear hurt and he needed a Q-tip to make it better.
Fun new things:
Isaac can sing 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,' and 'Jesus Loves Me'. However, he prefers a small audience as I'm the only one that has been privy to his performances.
We were stripping wallpaper in Isaac's new room and Martin pulled off a rather large piece. Isaac said, "Good job, Daddy!" Which, by the way, Isaac is very into wallpaper removal. There are a few more rooms in our house that need it taken down, and I know just the man for the job!