Little Sir Isaac

The blogs main focus is ISAAC! The awesome little peanut that came into our lives on July 16, 2005. We're so excited to have him. Check back often to witness our family grow and change...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Couch Time with Momma

Our poor little dude has a double ear infection. We are definitely encouraged though that this is the first one this winter and it's the end of January; last winter it started in October (which may technically be Fall). Isaac has been on meds a few days now and is sleeping better at night, which means we all are! It's so different having a sick little guy with an extended vocabulary. He told me his ear hurt and he needed a Q-tip to make it better.

Fun new things:

Isaac can sing 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,' and 'Jesus Loves Me'. However, he prefers a small audience as I'm the only one that has been privy to his performances.

We were stripping wallpaper in Isaac's new room and Martin pulled off a rather large piece. Isaac said, "Good job, Daddy!" Which, by the way, Isaac is very into wallpaper removal. There are a few more rooms in our house that need it taken down, and I know just the man for the job!



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