Little Sir Isaac

The blogs main focus is ISAAC! The awesome little peanut that came into our lives on July 16, 2005. We're so excited to have him. Check back often to witness our family grow and change...

Monday, September 26, 2005

A suprise for dad!

I love digital cameras! Melissa suprised me this morning at work with some really cute shots of little Sir Isaac.

It’s so cute. Isaac is starting to smile! A lot! Last night he did this little giggle like thing where his whole body moved and a small sound came out. I think it was a giggle, but of course it could have been gas?

I love being a dad.


Friday, September 16, 2005

The picture says it all!

Isaac shares his 9 week birthday with his Uncle Jason. We miss you man. We look forward to the next time you come home to visit.


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The boy’s got sideburns at eight weeks

Isaac’s getting so big! We think that he’s over 10lbs. now. He started at 6lbs. even.


Afternoon in the sun

This is by far my favorite picture taken of my favorite two people in the whole wide world.
