Little Sir Isaac

The blogs main focus is ISAAC! The awesome little peanut that came into our lives on July 16, 2005. We're so excited to have him. Check back often to witness our family grow and change...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Family Day

We had our first official 'Family Day' this weekend! It was AWESOME! Martin and I have been noticing that even on the days when there is not much on the calendar, we find lots to make ourselves busy with. And, when Isaac is napping, one of us stays home and the other races around town trying to get errands completed. We end the weekend missing each other because we haven't spent quality time together. So, we are determined to have one full 'Family Day' a month. It's a day to spend together as a family and to relax a little bit too. Our first 'Family Day' consisted of a leisurely morning at the park. We blew bubbles, played with Isaac's Buzz Light Year ball, collected pinecones and just explored the world around us. We even brought a picnic lunch so we didn't have to rush off when it was time to eat. Once we were back at home and Isaac was napping, Martin and I worked in the yard together. Now, anyone who knows me well knows that is a big deal for me. I am not an outdoors girl. I don't like bugs and I don't like to get dirty, but I truly enjoyed every bit of it this time. I think I focused more on the time with my husband and less on the bugs and dirt. ;)

Once Isaac woke up we did run one errand together (we originally said no errands but decided it was ok as long as it was quick and we were all together). Then Martin grilled some brats for dinner and we went to our favorite spot for some ice cream. It was a fantastic day. We're definitely going to do this once a month and are even trying to plan at least one half day a month that is designated as 'Family Morning' or 'Family Evening'. At the risk of sounding pretty sappy, it really made us recognize the importance of spending time together just being a family. We don't need to spend money or do anything phenomenal to have fun. We're already coming up with ideas for future 'Family Days' and a majority won't cost a thing, but the memories sure will be priceless.


Friday, April 20, 2007

A little climber

There are a few drawers/cupboards that I don't mind if Isaac explores the contents of. He was quietly playing with this one the other day while I was making dinner. I think we were both surprised when I peered at him and found him quietly playing in the drawer. He is getting taller so I think that is also making him more confident in his climbing abilities. He dives onto the chairs in our living room and in his bedroom.

He's also jabbering up a storm. I really think he told me a story yesterday. He uses quite a few recognizable words and quite a few from his own little language. His communcation skills are pretty impressive; we usually know exactly what he wants. "More," "Isaac," "Yes," and "No" can cover a lot of info!


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Oscar Snooze

Isaac isn't the only one that enjoys laundry days. Oscar has found that Martin's clean, soft t-shirts make a great pillow.


Fun with trucks

When Martin and I bought our house we had no idea what an impressive front window sill we were getting. It's at the perfect level for a toddler! Isaac can spend up to 20 minutes playing with toys on it - that's an incredibly long time for our busy boy. We had a great time gathering all of his vehicles so he could line them up. After each addition, he'd say "More?" and we'd go on a hunt for another one. Notice they are all facing East/West. Later he moved them all to face North/South. That's got to be yet another sign of brilliance. ;)


Tuesday, April 10, 2007


We made a visit to the local gardens to see the butterfly exhibit. It was great! There were lots of butterflies and I dare say Isaac saw more than we did. One landed on the ground near him and he squatted down to get a closer look. He also saw some of the birds that wander around in the gardens. Martin and I are constantly impressed with his observation skills. On a clear day airplanes can be seen flying over our house. Isaac points them out to us quite frequently; even the ones that are so far away they look teeny tiny in the sky. He's got a good attention to detail just like his designer Daddy.


Monday, April 09, 2007

Looking dapper in Easter duds

Isaac had a fun Easter! Martin and I prepared an egg hunt for Isaac with clues leading all over the house. He loved it! He was giggling as he ran from room to room.

We also started a new tradition of reading the Easter story from Luke 24. It's a good reminder of the joy and celebration in the resurrection.

He said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have." Luke 24:38-39


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

My Guys

Martin took Isaac and Oscar on a walk last night so I could get some vacuuming done. I was just finishing up the back porch when I looked up and saw my guys waiting with a flower for me. Martin has always picked flowers to give me and now it's very sweet that he is teaching Isaac to do the same. Apparently, Martin even informed Isaac that tulips are one of my favorites.
