Here's a conversation I had with Isaac recently:
I: What kind of hand is this? (he held up his right hand)
M: That's Isaac's hand.
I: It's right hand.
M: Yes, it is. What kind of hand is the other one?
I: Left hand. (he held up his left hand)
We have no idea where Isaac learned left and right. Martin and I have each mentioned it in passing, but we've never made a point to teach him the difference. Now, as long as he is holding something, he knows the difference between left and right. He also gave me his left foot when I requested it for his left shoe.
Levi had his 2-week check-up today and the doctor said he couldn't be more pleased with him. Levi now weighs a hefty 7 lbs 9 oz. The goal was to be at least back to his birth weight within 2 weeks (he weighed 6 lbs 10 oz when we brought him home from the hospital). Everything else checked out just fine as well.
One more thing: today I heard a story about a baby that was born 4 weeks premature and his lungs were not fully developed. He also has a hole in one lung so he is in the NICU. It reminded me how thankful I am for two early babies that have been two healthy babies. What a praise that both our boys came home from the hospital the same day I did.