Little Sir Isaac

The blogs main focus is ISAAC! The awesome little peanut that came into our lives on July 16, 2005. We're so excited to have him. Check back often to witness our family grow and change...

Monday, December 31, 2007

Move Snow

Isaac is always ready and willing to help. He was so excited to help Martin "move snow" and did not stop until Daddy did. He keeps his shovel right next to Martin's in the garage. Isaac even volunteered to do some shoveling last week when we got back from grocery shopping. He was pretty sad last night though when Martin used his snow blower and we stayed inside to watch. Isaac pulled a stool over to his bedroom window so he could see Daddy. It's a front-row seat, but not quite the same as being in on the action.


Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas to All!

In church yesterday the toddlers had a birthday party for Jesus; complete with party hats, balloons and noise makers. Isaac has been running around the house today proclaiming, "Jesus is born!"

Peace, joy and love to you all!


Do you like my hat?

Isaac may not know who Santa is, but he sure does dig this hat! Isaac believes Santa is Noah because of the Little People Noah's Ark that we have. Noah has a white beard so all white-bearded men are Noah, including Santa. Martin and I decided not to tell him otherwise...let the innocence last as long as possible!

Yes, this is Isaac's current favorite shirt (note the last few postings)! He is a big Bob the Builder fan so if this shirt is not in the laundry, he'll be wearing it!

Baby Update: I am feeling the baby move a lot these days! It's such a sweet reminder of the new little one that is to come. I am also just a few days shy of being halfway through the pregnancy. I have an ultrasound in a couple of weeks so we are looking forward to seeing the baby in action. Isaac has decided there is no longer a baby in my tummy but a racecar. The color changes quite often (green, purple, orange) but he's certain it's a racecar.


Wednesday, December 05, 2007

My Guys

Isaac and Daddy have so much fun together. The latest thing is sharing hot chocolate! They used to walk to the coffee shop once a week for some cocoa, but since it's getting colder a walk to the kitchen has been just as good. We even got mini marshmallows at the store this week so they can top it off with something sweet.

Baby Update: Isaac went to the baby doctor with us last week. He's already taking his big brother role very seriously. He listened intently as the doctor spoke and he repeats the heartbeat as "Boom, boom, boom." Also, I am beginning to feel the tiny flutters of our baby moving. It's incredible: even though it's the second time around, it all feels so new and exciting!
