Family week has been much needed! We are truly enjoying our extra time together. Isaac smiles, looks at Martin and says, "Daddy home." Oscar is quite pleased with Martin's time off too and cozies up to him every chance he gets (photo #1). Big dog was also happy to be at the lake with us for a few days. He seriously sounds like a horse as he does laps around us on the beach (photo #2). I'm afraid he's showing his age a little more each summer though. After two consecutive days with good runs on the beach, he hasn't moved off the couch.
Isaac can play with diggers and dump trucks all day long so there was no question on which toys to bring to the beach with us (photo #3). Although, he did spend quite a bit of time with shovels and buckets. He made sure we packed enough so Mommy & Daddy were well supplied too. Nobody gets bored when he's around!
Of course, no vacation is complete without ice cream, and lots of it! We've had so much lately Isaac is beginning to think it's one of the food groups (photo #4). Hmmm, is it bad we have plans to meet up with neighbors for more ice cream tomorrow?