Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Savoring the Moment

Well, we had way too many good pictures from our vacation to stop at one posting. Isaac kept so busy during the day that he was tuckered out every night. Most bedtimes were earlier than usual because he was more than ready! Here's a sweet moment captured as Martin enjoyed rocking our little guy to sleep. This is what life is all about.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Great Smokies

We had a fantastic family vacation in the Great Smoky Mountains! Isaac went on two big hikes with us. One in the back pack carrier (great work-out for Daddy) and the other was a stroller friendly trail. It was a wonderful experience for all three of us to enjoy God's green earth. Now that we're home, we'll just be taking some 'urban hikes' and won't have to be on the look out for bears.
Isaac was also an excellent back-seat driver. He made the round-trip drive of 1300 plus miles without any problems. He was content to look out the window, play with toys or munch on snacks. He is quite the conversationalist and was sure to put in his two-cents often (well, in the form of ba-ba-ba). We treasured our time together as a family and look forward to future vacations.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Dynamo Dance

Isaac is pulling himself up on everything...including laundry detergent. I haven't had the heart to put it away because he is having so much fun. He moves back and forth between the three containers and does a cute little song and dance as he goes along. He is having a great time exploring the house and can always find an adventure.