Little Sir Isaac

The blogs main focus is ISAAC! The awesome little peanut that came into our lives on July 16, 2005. We're so excited to have him. Check back often to witness our family grow and change...

Friday, July 28, 2006


It's official. Oscar has come to the conclusion that having Isaac around is not so bad. They seem to have come up with a deal. Isaac may climb all over Oscar in exchange for dropping some food Oscar's way at each and every meal. The dog has had more table scraps in the few months that Isaac has been eating at the table than in his 4 years of doggyhood combined. I guess that makes the tail pulling and ear tugging worthwhile.


Friday, July 21, 2006

Still going...

How long does a sugar buzz last on an 18 pound body? It's five days later and he's still going! It's been a very happy and playful week for our one year old. He's been enjoying his new toys and spending lots of time crawling around the house.


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Happy 1st Birthday Little Sir Isaac

Nap. Food. Party. Presents. Cake. It doesn't get any better than this. Isaac had a great first birthday and a fun party. We are amazed a year has come and gone so quickly. Our little boy is growing up.

Happy Birthday Little Sir Isaac.

Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Beating the Heat!

There's only one way to stay cool and look cool - hang out in the kiddie pool! Isaac enjoyed his first swim (he was way too busy to look at the camera) and as the summer goes on and the days get hotter, I'm sure there will be many more afternoon swims.


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Mel's Correct! It was a happy 4th...

Isaac continues to amaze us! He's not a real fan of crawling, but that doesn't stop him from getting around. He rolls and rolls and rolls until he gets where he wants to go. He can sit up from a laying down position. It's really cool to see. So yesterday while at the cookout I decided to sit him down in a cool low seated lawn chair. With in seconds he had re-situated himself into the position you see above. And he loved it. Head touching the ground—mouth open and jabbering. He is truly a character.


PS: Oscar (the dog) turned 4 on July 3rd. We celebrated with a new stuffed toy from PetSmart and Frosty Paws. He loved it.

Happy 4th!

Isaac celebrated his first 4th of July! It was a fun day for all of us. Isaac enjoyed the parade and entertained us with his dancing each time he heard music. He's a brave little man as he didn't even flinch at the sirens and other loud vehicles that went by. We also went to a cookout at his cousins' house and had fun playing outside. Not to mention we had a great time eating all the yummy food - he is such a blueberry fan!

Happy Birthday America!
