Little Sir Isaac

The blogs main focus is ISAAC! The awesome little peanut that came into our lives on July 16, 2005. We're so excited to have him. Check back often to witness our family grow and change...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Loving the weather!

We have been loving this beautiful summer weather! We try to walk every day; sometimes in the morning with Mommy and Oscar but other days we wait until evening so Daddy can go with us too. Isaac kicks back in his stroller and enjoys the ride! This is one of his favorite ways to chill - quite often he'll recline with a foot on the tray of the stroller as well. Life is good.


Sunday, June 18, 2006

Everybody loves Daddy

Daddy's boys sure do love him. There's no better way to start off the day then with some Daddy play time!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Measuring Stick

Here is the chair that has been our 'measuring stick' for Isaac's growth. Although he now enjoys lounging on it, one can still see how big he is getting (see postings on March 13 and October 12). He's looking less and less like a baby and more and more like a little boy. But he is still our little peanut.


Saturday, June 03, 2006

Who says you can't style a boy's hair?

Well, maybe it's not stylish, but it sure was fun!


Friday, June 02, 2006

Mom's last day at work!

Melissa is offically a stay-at-home mom!

We are so excited to enter this stage of our lives and make this happen for our family. She was sad to leave her job and all the people that she worked with, but this has been a dream come true for her. She is going to be helping out, with her old job, if they get in a bind and need her help. A little time during the day, every once in awhile, with adults won't be to bad.

It's been really awesome for me to watch Mel make this transition. Yes, this does mean more muffins and other really awesome bake goods to bring to work. The office doesn't seem to mind. HAHA!

But really the most exciting thought about this is that Little Sir Isaac is going to have mom home everyday! This means little trips to the library, zoo, park, museum, playground, lunch with dad and so many other amazing opportunities that I could spend all day listing them.

We have been truly blessed to have this opportunity.
