Friday, April 28, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Nice Easter hat buddy!

Isaac and his buddy Caleb were sporting the same hat today with their Easter duds. They had so much fun interacting with each other that it made all of us laugh. Isaac wanted to share his koala puppet and Caleb wanted to share his pacifier (that's a nice way of saying that he spit it out over the pew onto Isaac's tummy).
Next year they'll be on the go and we probably won't get this nice of a photo op.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Our sweet little son

Tami, a very dear friend of ours, died from lung cancer last week. It's been a hard few days as we have been mourning the loss of such an incredible woman. She taught us so much about life, friendship, marriage, and God. Her constant joy in times of trial have been a true inspiration. As we struggle to comprehend it all, and try to find ways to comfort her husband Jim, we are consoled by our little 9 month old baby. Isaac has no idea how sweet his smiles and giggles have been or how they come at just the right time. I'm certain Tami is in Heaven prompting Isaac on to help us focus on the joy rather than the sorrow we are feeling. I thank God she was a part of our lives - Tami and Jim were actually with us the night my water broke and Isaac was born. It's a memory we'll always cherish.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Big city boy

We ventured to Chicago with Isaac this weekend. He is a great traveling man! He caught his morning and afternoon naps on the car ride down (we timed that one well). He woke up as happy as can be; he giggled at every noise that came out of Daddy's mouth (ok, I was laughing too - Martin has some noise making skills). We brought Isaac's hippo chair along so he could get out of the car seat and sit right at the table with us for dinner. Isaac slept great in the hotel, it was just like home, we didn't hear a peep out of him until morning. After breakfast and a morning nap snuggled up with Mommy in the bed (what can I say, the pack-n-play was put away and I couldn't resist!), we went to Ikea for some power shopping. We made plenty of new friends while we shopped. We even saw pictures of one lady's 8 month old grand-daughter Maddie who lives in Wisconsin. We learned an awful lot about her. We ate lunch at Ikea and loaded up the car, which, by the way, you'd be amazed to see what can fit in the trunk of a Protege. Martin also has some packing skills. Isaac took his afternoon nap in the car and then entertained us the rest of the way home with his stories, squeals, screams and spits. There's definitely more road trips in the future.