Little Sir Isaac

The blogs main focus is ISAAC! The awesome little peanut that came into our lives on July 16, 2005. We're so excited to have him. Check back often to witness our family grow and change...

Monday, March 27, 2006

I'm sitting at the big people's table!

Isaac is amazing. He's learning new things so fast. We watched him, in a matter of seconds, learn how to pick-up a cherrio all by himself. Since then he's learned how to pick-up and eat fruit puffs (they smell nasty), veggie puffs (not so nasty) and bread (toasted and untoasted). The boy loves to eat...


PS: This is an experiment. Follow the link and see a short movie of the little man eating in his cool new hippo chair.

  • Check Me Out! (mac)

  • Check Me Out! (pc)
  • Tuesday, March 21, 2006

    Daddy's boy

    No text needed; the looks on their faces says it all!


    Monday, March 13, 2006

    Pearly Whites

    We finally got a good picture of Isaac's teeth. There were 10 at the last count - 4 on bottom and 6 on top. It's adorable to hear him crunch his Cheerios.


    My how you've grown...

    Isaac grew. Martin noticed Friday after work that Isaac seemed bigger. Saturday after lunch he seemed bigger. And now, looking at him in this picture, he seems bigger. Especially when this photo is compared to the blog entry on October 12 'Little Boy Big Chair'. He's growing. It's definitely a good thing, but it is happening over-night...literally.


    Tuesday, March 07, 2006

    Weather Forecast

    We were able to take a family walk this weekend since the temps are getting milder. Isaac gets all bundled up in his 'Snuggly' (which even has a built-in slot for the stroller buckle) and we're ready to go. Oscar holds his head high as he walks along next to the stroller. We are looking forward to the forecasted 50s and 60s later this week and hoping there's a break in the rain long enough for another walk.
