Thursday, December 29, 2005
Saturday, December 24, 2005
What's this... How's it taste?

You got it friends. These are the most important questions for Isaac right now. He had a great time answering both with the shiney, crinkley paper in the gift from Aunt Wendy (the blanky that was in the bag is also very tastey!). We are looking forward to more Christmas parties with family so he can discover new textures and tastes in the variety of wrapping paper.
Merry Christmas to all and blessings in the New Year!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Rub a dub dub

Isaac loves the tub! He is really enjoying bath time these days and he's proven to be quite the little helper. He grabs at anything and everything that gets near him so he's learned to dump water on himself to help during the rinsing portion of the bath. He'll do it over and over so bath time is getting longer and longer because we are all having so much fun.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Hold baby Isaac!

Big cousin Noah wanted to hold baby Isaac. He put the burp cloth over his shoulder (making sure it was square and proper) found a comfy seat and sat down. He then opened his arms and once again said, “Hold baby Isaac!” It was one of the cutest things we'd ever seen. I even have a quick movie clip made from our canon a95.
Baby Isaac and Big cousin Noah are going to be best of friends and I'm sure they're going to be the source of many laughs in the years to come.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
How much is that doggy in the window?

Little is said about Oscar these days so I thought I'd dedicate a special shot for him where he gets a moment to shine. We're amazed he's 3 1/2 years old already. He is a great dog and has been adjusting really well to life with a baby. Although, he does spend a lot more time moping by himself on the couch. This is where we usually find him, if he's not snuggled up on our bed. He's finally beginning to mellow and enjoy the warm house as opposed to the snowy backyard.
Good dog.
I finally heard him!

It's Tuesday night and Mommy is at Bible Study. Isaac and I are hanging out in the kitchen. All of a sudden, Isaac gets a large grin on his face and from his mouth comes the cutest giggles. I've only been told about the giggles but now I have heard them myself. How cute! Did I mention the crazy dance I had to do to get the giggles? But it was worth it...I hope no one saw me through the window.