Friday, July 29, 2005
Best of buddies

I want you all to meet Isaac’s buddy Oscar.
We were orignally a bit nervous about how Oscar would handle having a baby in the house, but we've been pleasantly surprised. He’s been great.
Before Isaac came home from the hospital I brought a few receiving blankets home for Oscar to smell and get use to. It really seemed to help.
Now, Oscar has to know where Isaac is at all times. He hasn’t been one bit jealous. When ever we’re holding Isaac—Oscar like to smell him from head-to-toe and give an occasional lick (kiss) on the top of his head. We’ve made it quite clear to Oscar that he can’t lick Isaac’s face and he’s done quite well listening to us.
Overall, It’s made the adjustment to having a baby in the house quite nice. We know that Isaac and Oscar are going to be the best of buddies for years to come. Melissa wants to get a small saddle made for Oscar so that Isaac can ride him around the house and backyard. I’m just kidding, but wouldn’t that be a funny site to see.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
It fell off...

Well today’s the day. Mr.Isaac’s umbilical cord fell off. What an event. Both Melissa and I were there to witness it. No more worrying about having to retro fit the diaper to avoid contact with it. It’s amazing how little it was and how much it was in the way.
The little man is a changing. I think his hair is getting lighter too.