Vacation Part III - All things Disney

So, no trip to Orlando is complete without incorporating something Disney into it. We had breakfast with the characters on Sunday to prep us for Magic Kingdom Monday. This is one of my favorite Disney experiences. It's great food (which is important to a pregnant Mommy) and a good opportunity to meet some of the classics. Isaac was not in the least bit shy or afraid of anyone. We think one of his favorites was Minnie. She was so sweet and gave lots of kisses. Dale was a lot of fun too and kept calling members from our group over to get in the picture until only the waitress was left to hold the camera.
We spent a full day Monday at Magic Kingdom. Isaac loved it (we all did!). After each ride he'd ask, "What's next Mom?" Martin and I went on the teacups with Isaac and thought we better take it easy (the spinning of each cup is controlled by the riders in it), however, we forgot how much Isaac likes to get dizzy. Once he figured out how to make the cup go round and round, there was no stopping him. Isaac also enjoyed the parade and kept busy waving at everyone in it. Tweedle-Dee (or maybe it was Tweedle-Dum, they look alike) came right over to Isaac and gave him five in the middle of the parade. Isaac just beamed at the special attention. It was a very fun day.
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