We had another Family Day this weekend. Well, maybe it was a day and a half because we also did Movie Night on Friday. We all cuddled up on the couch in the basement with a big bowl of popcorn (hugged by Isaac) to watch "Finding Nemo." Then Saturday we started our day by visiting the butterflies at Frederick Meijer Gardens. The highlight of the butterflies for all of us was when a butterfly landed on Martin's head. We were only in the exhibit a minute or two when it happened, so it became the talk of the day. "One landed on mine Daddy's head. That's funny!" The nice weather was a huge bonus - we got to run around and play outside in the Children's Garden as well. We were not planning on that so it was a real treat to get some fresh air.
We also did some shopping yesterday. We learned with Isaac's early birth that we need to be ready for this Baby soon (I may go full-term or I may not). Isaac helped us pick out both a boy outfit and a girl outfit for our Baby to wear home from the hospital. He was serious about helping us and would yell, "Honey, look! Awwwww...." with each outfit he presented. We've also started reading books together as a family at bedtime. It's an idea I got out of the book "Honey for a Child's Heart" which is all about incorporating reading into a child's life. It's a great book and comes complete with book lists for children of all ages and all interests. A treasure for years to come!
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