Little Sir Isaac

The blogs main focus is ISAAC! The awesome little peanut that came into our lives on July 16, 2005. We're so excited to have him. Check back often to witness our family grow and change...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Smiles and Coos

Levi has begun to smile! He has a wonderful smile - his whole face lights up. We're still at the point where we have to work hard to see a smile so we have not captured one on camera yet. Also, we're hearing sweet little noises from him as well. Those first coos are so precious. There still isn't much of a pattern for sleeping yet. Some nights we'll get as much as 7 hours from him but other nights we'll only get 3. Thankfully Isaac doesn't hear him upstairs and Martin is a sound sleeper (I only wake him up for help on the weekend), so I'm really the only one affected. 


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