Funny Little Valentine

Isaac will look at books with us as long as we will sit there with him. He likes to crawl onto our lap (or into our arms) and look at book after book after book. He recognizes so many things in the books (birdies, stars, cows, doggies, balloons, hats, etc) that very little reading happens, we just talk about the pictures. That's ok though, he loves books and we love that!
Car rides are also becoming more interesting. I never realized how many businesses have flags in front of their buildings until Isaac started pointing them out to me. He also makes sure I don't miss a bus or truck that drives by. And, I think car dealerships have balloons on the cars as a marketing strategy to reach consumers at a very young age. Isaac knows there is a dealership at an intersection by our house so he is ready for the balloons before we are even there yet.
Martin and I are both enjoying Isaac's excitement as he discovers more and more of the world around him. There's something new every day.
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